How Do You Share The Family Pet After Divorce?

30 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Divorce is hard, no matter the circumstances. If you have a beloved pet the entire family loves, the entire situation can become that much more difficult, as you do not know which one of you will take the pet. In some families, splitting time with the family pet is almost as important as any other part of the divorce process. When it comes to how you will share time with your family pet, consider the following: Read More 

Tips to Establish Child Support

25 June 2019
 Categories: , Blog

In this day and age, many children are born to parents who are not legally married. When a relationship between two unmarried people ends and there are children involved, both parents still have the obligation to care for their shared child. In most cases, this involves one parent paying the other parent-child support to help provide the child with a safe home, food, clothing, and other necessities. Unfortunately, child support issues can be complex, and when parents have never been married to each other, things can become more complicated. Read More 

Social Media Butterfly: How Online Posts Affect Your Divorce

29 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

While many have heard the speeches about social media use when you have a pending personal injury or criminal lawsuit, few think about the effect that their social media and other online activity can have on a pending divorce case. Whether you're in the midst of divorce already or just thinking about filing, here are some things that you need to know about how your online presence can affect that divorce proceeding. Read More 

The Long Road To Social Security Approval

12 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When a medical condition puts you out of a job, the Social Security Administration (SSA) might be able to provide you with some assistance via financial benefits. As you may have heard, getting approved for benefits is not easy. It's also a slow process, and you may have wondered why it can take so long to be approved. The approval process involves several layers of verification and determinations, so take a look at an overview of the approval process to provide you with an idea of what is actually going on behind the walls of the SSA. Read More 

Getting Familiar With Divorce Documentation

9 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Those divorcing can encounter what amounts to a series of events instead of a single act. The more complicated your family structure, your financial situation, and your relationship, the more events and documentation will be generated. Read on to find out about some common divorce documents so that you can be ready and prepared when the time comes. Separation Agreement Not all states make this document mandatory, but having a legal separation agreement makes good financial sense. Read More